An Invitation to be part of the Frankston City Community Panel
Frankston City Council invites you to be part of the Frankston City Community Panel to develop the Community Vision 2040 and Council Plan 2021 – 2025. The Community Vision will capture what our community values most about heir community and set out their priorities and aspirations for the future of Frankston City. The Panel will consider the input from the broader community, hear from experts and work together to identify a set of recommendations for Council.
How does the Panel work?
The Panel will be a genuine process involving around 40 diverse members of our community. The Panel’s members will be selected randomly from everyone who registered to match the broad demographics of the Frankston City community.
The Panel will consider the input from the broader community, hear from experts and work together to identify a set of recommendations for Council.
Where does the Panel meet?
To keep everyone safe during the COVID-19 pandemic the Community Panel will meet via Zoom.
If you aren’t familiar with Zoom we can help you learn how to use it before the first meeting.
When does the Panel meet?
The Frankston Community Panel will meet on six occasions:
Meeting 1: Saturday 21 November, 10am–1pm
Meeting 2: Tuesday 1 December, 6.30–8.30pm
Meeting 3: Saturday 12 December, 10am to 1pm
Meeting 4: Saturday 30 January, 10am–12pm
Meeting 5: Tuesday 9 February, 6.30–8.30pm
Meeting 6: Saturday 20 February, 10am–1pm
It is important that you are able to participate in all six occasions.
Want to know more?
Contact Nivek Thompson or Daren McDonald on 0472 761 323 or email: info@deliberatelyengaging.com.au
Your privacy is important to us
Deliberately Engaging will only provide your name and contact information to Council if you are selected to be a member of the Community Panel or you opt-in for future consultations with Frankston City Council.
You can read Frankston City Council’s Privacy Policy here.
You can read Deliberately Engaging’s Privacy Policy here.
You can read Survey Monkey’s Privacy Policy here.

We seek to build the capabilities of government, business and civil society to realise the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 16 to:
“Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels” and
“Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels”